24th September 2024

Energy saving tips

Consumer Tips
Energy & Fuel

The colder months are on their way and service cost rises imminent in 2025, so now is the time to think about how to make some energy-saving changes.

With the help of Jersey Electricity and Island Energy, we’ve compiled a long list of energy saving tips which may help counteract some of the increased costs of running your home.



  1. Turn your room thermostat down by 1 degree
  2. Set your heating to come on at the right times
  3. Bleed radiators to prevent cold spots
  4. Close your curtains and blinds at night
  5. Use draft excluders – make your own!
  6. Put draft-proofing strips around window and door frames
  7. Use blankets and layers of clothes to keep warm


Hot Water

  1. Turn your immersion cylinder to 60 degrees
  2. Take a quick shower instead of a bath (uses 5 times less water)
  3. Take one minute off your shower time
  4. Use a washing up bowl rather than leaving the hot tap running
  5. Lag your hot water cylinder



  1. Turn lights off when you are not in the room
  2. Don’t leave appliances on standby – turn off at plug, including TV’s and game consoles
  3. Unplug phones, tablets and laptops once fully charged
  4. Use a kettle to boil the amount of water needed for cooking or hot drinks
  5. Change lightbulbs to energy saving LED ones
  6. Fill washing machines and dishwashers to capacity and reduce the temperature to 30°C
  7. Limit use of tumble dryer by putting clothes on washing line or leaving to air
  8. Dust down fridges and radiators for best efficiency and heat flow

We have tips on saving laundry costs on our website: Cut your laundry costs this autumn (ConsumerCouncil.je)



  1. Cook several items at the same time (a set of steamer pans uses less water)
  2. An air fryer can be cheaper than putting the oven on especially if you’re cooking smaller amounts
  3. Use a microwave when possible
  4. Make toast in a toaster rather than under the grill
  5. Cover your pots and pans to reduce steam and use less energy
  6. Freeze spare or bulk cooked food (once cooled down)
  7. Consider turning your stove/hob off a couple of minutes before food is fully cooked as the heat from the pan will continue to cook your food


Options which cost money but will help

  1. Insulate your loft
  2. Only purchase energy efficient appliances (A++, A+, A)
  3. Consider replacing old boilers with a more energy efficient one
  4. Consider buying a smart heating control which put you in control of heating


Help with Bills

If you are struggling to pay your energy bills, please contact the relevant company’s support lines (see below) who may be able to offer a flexible payment plan to help you.



Jersey Electricity

The JEC have a free downloadable app called ‘My JE’ which can be found via the App Store or Google Play. They are also lots of energy saving tips on their website Saving energy in your home - Jersey Electricity (jec.co.uk)

Their contact details are:
Telephone: 01534 505460
Email: jec@jec.co.uk  

Extra support for customers - Jersey Electricity (jec.co.uk)

Island Energy

Island Energy offer a tailored payment plan to help with bills and give free energy advice and safety checks.

Their contact details are:
Telephone: 01534 755500
Contact form:  Priority care (islandenergy.je)