20 May 2024

GP fees go down by £10

Government have announced that from Monday 20 May they are giving another £10 towards every GP appointment.  This reduction applies to all face-to-face appointments, surgery consultations and home visits, meaning that Islanders are now receiving an overall subsidy of £50.28 towards their GP appointments.  Last year we did some research into the costs of GP's and it was really shocking to see the difference in prices from one surgery to the next.  Here's what we found last year: A review of GP fees ( We'll be keeping a regular eye on the cost of healthcare prices and letting you know of our findings.  
Living Costs
25 September 2023

A review of GP fees

Over the summer, we carried out a review of GP fees. We were prompted to do this as many of you had got in touch about a sudden increase in costs for seeing a doctor – more than £10 in some instances – just before the Government announced their £20 subsidy for standard appointments and free appointments for children. We've published our findings in our latest newsletter, which is currently being distributed to all homes in Jersey, or can be read online here: Newsletters ( As you'll see from our price table, the price range between the cheapest surgery and the most expensive is still significant – nearly £20 in some instances. Furthermore, and perhaps more worryingly, is that not all surgeries seem to have passed on the £20 saving they have been contracted to do. We'll be keeping a regular eye on the cost of healthcare prices and letting you know of our findings. Find out more in our latest newsletter: Newsletters (
Living Costs
18 February 2022

Funeral prices comparison

The loss of a loved one is extremely hard, both emotionally and practically, so the more that can be planned beforehand, the easier on those we leave behind. Death and funerals are often topics that people feel uncomfortable thinking about or discussing. Yet, they are two of the most important matters in our lives, and it is good to be prepared for when that sad time comes. Any age is good to have those discussions with your loved ones, although the older we get the more morbid it might feel. The cost of a funeral is an essential part to be aware of, as families are often left with unexpected costs when a financial provision has not been made to cover them. The Council last published prices in February 2017, so recently contacted three local Funeral Directors to update the information – De Gruchys (Co-Op), Maillards (independent) and Pitcher & Le Quesne (Dignity). SunLife have been publishing their ‘Cost of Dying Report’ since 2004, and this year’s survey showed a slight reduction in the UK. It highlighted that although 66% of people put money aside for their funeral, over a third did not make sufficient provision to cover the full cost. The full report contains a lot more detail. Funeral Director Services Although price is a key factor, each Funeral Director is well established with staff who are experienced in comforting and offering both support and guidance to grieving families. It’s important to feel comfortable and build a relationship with the Funeral Director, so we recommend that you visit each of them before deciding who to choose. The Superintendent of the Crematorium is also happy to receive calls and answer any questions. Breakdown of Costs Service/Product De Gruchy’s(Co–Op) Maillards(Independent) Pitcher &Le Quesne(Dignity) Professional Fees £1,250 £1,335 £0 Funeral Director fee above professional fees £0 £0 £1,590 Care of deceased (bringing into care and treatment 24/7) £490 £380 £295 Provision of hearse, driver and bearers £750 £716 £600 Provision of one limousine £200 £194 £195 Attendance of Funeral Director at burial of ashes £75 £90 £0 Total cost of above £2,765(£2,165 in 2017) £2,715(£2,256 in 2017) £2,680(£3,863 in 2017) Direct/’no frills’ cremation * £1,795.35 £2,040.35 £1,700 Embalming (if requested) £185 £200 £155 Coffin – cheapest wood effect £595 £650 £495 Coffin – cheapest eco-friendly coffin (rattan, sea-grass or wicker) £785 £750 £845 Ashes urn – cheapest hardwood £120 £120 £115 Prices correct as at 14 February 2022 * May include different services and products. The price provided by Maillard’s does not include the Crematorium fee. Additional costs to the services provided by the Funeral Directors are: death certificate (currently £30) minister/pastor or celebrant fee church fees Crematorium fee (currently £760.65) doctor’s signature for crematorium form grave purchase internment fees (no interment fee of ashes at the crematorium if cremated in Jersey, otherwise it is £50) Book of Remembrance entry at the Crematorium (currently £42-£150 depending on wishes) Optional costs such as flowers, an organist or musician/singer should be accounted for too. To make the process easier for bereaved families, much of the organisation can be arranged and paid for by the Funeral Directors, who include them in the final invoice. The companies sometimes work with each other when the need arises, to ensure the experience is as painless as possible.They are willing to work with families to find the best option that will suit their needs and budget, and if requested will provide an estimate of costs before you agree to go ahead. Should you be eligible, they can advise on the Government’s Death Grant payment, which is currently £929.88. Guernsey Funeral Directors We also contacted the five Funeral Directors in Guernsey to get a comparison, four of which are independent. Two were willing to provide a price breakdown with an average cost of £2283.50.
16 August 2021

How much does a Covid test cost? Travelling during a pandemic

There’s no denying that travel during Covid is complicated, frustrating and risky. In our July newsletter, we highlighted some points to be considered prior to booking or taking any travel. Things to consider before you book/travel Not only should you have appropriate travel insurance, but you must also know the testing requirements (inbound and outbound), understand the traffic light system and be absolutely sure of the Covid-related restrictions for each part of your journey i.e. your airline, ferry, holiday company or hotel; destination entry point; onward destinations; and indeed return travel. Each country has different entry and exit requirements which can change at very short notice, so it’s essential that you regularly check the relevant country’s Government website, prior to your departure and return. It may be that when you booked your ticket a negative PCR test no older than 72 hours was required, but by the time you leave, that could have changed to a negative antigen (lateral flow) test no older than 48 hours. If you’re double-vaccinated some countries may not require a negative test result but will require proof of the vaccination. Many will need either a negative test result or proof of vaccination, as well as appropriate documentation and/or specific declarations relating to your health, where you have stayed and who you may have been in contact with prior to travelling. Jersey falls within the UK’s CTA (Common Travel Area) but it is still important that you check both the and websites to ensure you comply with the regulations as of the date of travel for each of the four home nations. Getting a test Since our last newsletter, more pharmacies are offering both PCR and lateral flow tests, so we have again contacted the original four private PCR test providers, as well as several other Island pharmacies. As the table below shows, prices and services vary so it’s important to shop around to get both the best price and correct test for your situation. We’ve been unable to get a specific breakdown of a PCR test cost but know it includes the fixed rate of the private testing laboratory. These pharmacies and surgery receive many calls a day from people asking for advice, taking bookings, as well as providing tests that have associated administration and staff costs. It’s worth asking if you’re eligible for a discount, as although one-off PCR tests will cost the price shown below, discounts are offered for repeat tests, multiple/group bookings and family discounts are being considered by some providers. As well as PCR and antigen lateral flow tests, some provide antibody lateral flow tests which can detect if you have previously had the virus (within a certain timeframe). Most of the companies we contacted will ensure you are given the appropriate test for your destination or circumstance, as you may not need (or be charged for) the PCR test you thought you needed and booked. Self-test antigen (lateral flow) kits are becoming more widely available on the Island but, similar to the free NHS kits in the UK, the results are not likely to be accepted by your destination, although some travel companies might accept the result. Home tests may include instructions on how to carry out an online supervised test. Most require the antigen test to be supervised with a result certificate being provided by the pharmacy/surgery. Currently, the Government of Jersey continues to support inbound travellers and returning Islanders by providing free PCR tests at the border (which is not provided in the UK). We will continue lobbying them for the reduction of outgoing Covid testing costs, possibly by a co-funding/subsidy scheme of the current providers. Table of tests, costs and services Pharmacy/Surgery PCR Test AntigenLateral Flow Test AntibodyLateral Flow Test 7 David Place GP £140Results 24hrs £50Test and certificate £50 – Test and ‘standard’ certificate£75 – Test and ‘Certificate of Recovery’(must have had Covid and developed antibodies) Castle Quay PharmacyPrices updated20 December 2021 £145Results 24hrs £45Test and certificateresults in 30 minutes N/A Health Plus Pharmacy £145Results 24hrs £45Test and certificate N/A LV Pharmacy £145Results 24hrs £50Test and certificate £35Test and certificate Little Grove Pharmacy £140Results 48hrs(24hrs soon) £30Test and certificate£7Single home use kit £50Test only (includes level of antibodies) Reid’s Pharmacy £145Results 24hrs £50Test and certificate £50Test and certificate St Martin’s Pharmacy £130Results 24 hrs £30Test and certificate £30 Test and certificate Lloyds Pharmacy N/A £43.74Test and certificate N/A Cleveland Pharmacy N/A £8Single home use kit N/A Island Medical Pharmacy N/A £7.95Single home use kit N/A Le Quesne’s Pharmacy N/A £7.95Single home use kit N/A Boots Pharmacy N/A N/A N/A Co-Op Pharmacy N/A N/A N/A Roseville Pharmacy N/A N/A N/A St John’s Pharmacy N/A N/A N/A Prices correct as at 16 August 2021 unless stated otherwise
23 July 2021

Jersey Consumer Council Covid Pledge

In late June, we approached local hospitality businesses asking them to sign up to the “Jersey Consumer Council Covid Pledge” (see below). We are fully aware of the devastation the pandemic created for the Island’s hospitality and tourism sectors and appreciate that many companies have already implemented specific Covid clauses and supported their customers wherever possible.  From early to mid-June, the Covid situation was looking more positive and stable and we felt the timing was right to ask businesses to support the initiative. We realise that within the last month the situation has changed substantially which is extremely disappointing for all and must be stressful for all involved in the hospitality sector. Considering the dramatic change in circumstances, we have today emailed the businesses again to express our sympathy and understanding that they may not yet be able to sign up for the pledge. Yes – We pledge… The good news is we have received positive responses from the below companies and hope that, as things settle down again and people’s confidence is regained, others will be able to support the scheme and thereby local consumers. Chateau La Chaire Hotel, RozelLa Robeline Cider CompanyRadisson BLU HotelSamares ManorThe Dolphin Hotel, GoreyJersey War TunnelsJersey Heritage (Agree to 1 & 6 and look at each case individually) Jersey Consumer Council Covid Pledge Please answer either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ the below six questions: 1). If an Islander’s event e.g. dinner reservation, birthday party or wedding reception, is cancelled or changed because of Covid, can they rebook without incurring amendment charges? 2). If an Islander’s event e.g. dinner, birthday party or wedding reception, is cancelled or changed because of Covid, can they receive a full refund if they choose not to go ahead with the event?  3). If Government travel advice changes stopping Islanders’ or their guests from being able to attend an event, can they receive a full refund for themselves or guests and not incur amendment charges? 4). If prior to the event, an Islander, someone in their household or guest, either receives a positive COVID test or has to isolate as a direct contact, and is able to evidence this, can they cancel or rebook without incurring charges? 5). If prior to the event, an Islander, someone in their household or guest either receives a positive COVID test or has to isolate as a direct contact, and is able to evidence this, can they receive a full refund for the person/s unable to attend the event?  6). Will you guarantee to refund all monies within 14 days of the refund being requested? (This is dependent on banks processing funds promptly.)
30 March 2021

Results of Supermarket Covid Safety Survey

A couple of weeks ago, we carried out a short survey asking if you felt safe going to the Island’s supermarkets and the results are in. The answer is a resounding ‘YES’ (84.52%), with each supermarket listed proportionately providing the required Covid safety measures. It seems that shoppers themselves are causing the greatest concern with 65.87% of respondents answering ‘No’ to the question: Are other shoppers following social distancing guidelines? Almost 12% of shoppers do not use hand sanitiser upon entry, but other than those who are exempt, 100% are wearing a face mask, unless exempt. Thanks for taking the time to engage with the survey as we’re planning more on different subjects in the coming weeks and months.