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Consumer Tips
05 October 2023

Which motor insurance providers currently provide cover in Jersey?

You may have heard that certain insurance providers are pulling out of the Channel Islands due to a change of the law in Gibraltar. This law change has indeed reduced the number of motor insurers who will provide cover in Jersey. We've done some research and have compiled a list of those insurers still offering business to the Channel Islands. This is the list of insurers (accurate as of September 2023):  Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited Ageas Insurance Limited Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance UK Limited Aioi Nissay Dowa Insurance Company of Europe Limited Allianz Global Corporate & Speciality SE Allianz Insurance Plc American International Group UK Limited (AIG UK Limited) Assurant General Insurance Limited Aviva Insurance Limited AXA Insurance UK Plc AXA XL Insurance Company UK Limited CHUBB European Group Limited Churchill Insurance Company Limited Covea Insurance Plc Ecclesiastical Insurance Office Plc Great Lakes Insurance SE Great Lakes Insurance UK Ltd Gresham Insurance Company Limited HCC International Insurance Company Plc Highway Insurance Company Limited Hiscox Insurance Company Limited Insurance Corporation of the Channel Islands Limited Liverpool Victoria Insurance Company Limited MS Amlin Insurance SE National Farmers Union Mutual Insurance Society Limited QBE Europe SA/NV QBE UK Limited RAC Insurance Limited Royal & Sun Alliance Insurance Plc The Prudential Assurance Company Limited Tradex Insurance Company Ltd Travelers Insurance Company Limited Travelers Insurance Designated Activity Company UK Insurance Limited White Horse Insurance Ireland Designated Activity Company XL Insurance Company SE Zurich Insurance Company Ltd When looking for insurance, always remember to compare prices to get the best deal for you. Your insurance broker – such as Rossborough, Islands Insurance or Channel Insurance Brokers – might be able to help you with this.
At Home
05 September 2022

Survey - Credit Card Availability

Would you mind taking 2 minutes to complete our credit card availability survey? Recent History Credit card availability to Islanders, or the increasing lack of it, has been on our radar for 2-3 years. We have held multiple meetings with local financial institutions, Jersey Finance, Jersey Banking Association, as well as representatives of the previous government representatives.   Recently, the Council contacted several other providers including AMEX, MBNA, M&S Bank, Virgin Money and Tesco, and received replies from all. We have since become aware that John Lewis is also following the same pattern.   Reasons Their reasons for either pulling out of the Channel Islands altogether; no longer accepting new applications; or only offering existing customers a replacement card; are two-fold:   1). Jersey is not part of the United Kingdom. 2). Providing the service is no longer commercially viable.   Locally, we are only aware that HSBC offers new applications to non-account holders if the applicant meets the appropriate requirements.   Having received more enquiries from islanders during the last year, and many in the last month, it appears the situation is worsening so we're trying to find out how many applications or renewal requests have been refused.   Survey Link The closing date is Wednesday 14 September. Thank you    
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Energy & Fuel
09 February 2024

Island Energy gas outage survey

Please make sure you give us your email and Island Energy customer number as they will be needed for those wanting to be involved in any claim that we might secure. COMPLETE THE GAS SURVEY   Any Island Energy customers who are unhappy or dissatisfied with the £11.56 ‘goodwill gesture’ offered to households following the outage in October last year are being asked to get in touch with the Jersey Consumer Council. The Council is looking at what options it has available to try to secure the compensation Island Energy customers deserve or at least a refund of the costs many consumers incurred during the gas outage in October last year. To start that process, those impacted are being asked to complete a short online survey on to enable the Council to assess to what extent individual households were impacted. Chairman Carl Walker said: ‘We already know of Islanders who went without hot water, could not cook hot meals at home and could turn on their heating during the outage, so taking three months to come up with an offer of £11.56 is nothing short of an insult to its customers by Island Energy. “We will now work on behalf of all those affected to try and secure a better deal for them – and everything and anything is on the table at this stage. Once we know how many Islanders we will be representing, we shall choose the best course of action and do our very best.” On 7 October a technical fault by Island Energy left around 4,000 Islanders without gas. This lasted for days - and in some cases up to 14 days - before the gas was returned to them. Had the energy provider been regulated – like in the UK - it would have had to pay £60 for every day a customer went without gas beyond the first 24 hours. Since then, Island Energy have increased the prices of gas by 12%, which is about £13.80 for an average family house. Whilst in Guernsey they raised the price by 8%. On 25 January, we were given word that Island Energy were giving customers a gesture of goodwill by refunding the standing charge for October, worth £11.56. Dissatisfied Island Energy customers are asked to click on the link below and complete the survey as honestly as possible. If they know of any neighbours or relatives who do not have access to the internet but who were also affected by the outage, please visit those individuals or call them and complete the survey with them or on their behalf, so that we can get a fair picture of the situation.
At Home
Living Costs
10 June 2024

Investigation into higher mortgage rates in Jersey: report published

We've published the Findings Report of our three-month investigation into higher mortgage rates in Jersey. Jersey's mortgage rates have been consistently higher than those in the UK, sparking concern among consumers and prompting our investigation. At the time of launching our investigation in March 2024, a number of banks were offering local rates at more than 1% higher than the UK equivalent. The gap has closed at the time of writing this report, although can change with very little notice. That said, even the smallest increase in mortgage rates have a significant impact on the total amount repaid, due to the size of the loan and the length of time it takes to be paid off. Following correspondence from a number of Islanders, and a call for more transparency over mortgage rates from the property conveyancing sector, the Jersey Consumer Council sent an open letter on behalf of consumers in Jersey to the six main mortgage lenders in Jersey during March 2024. They were: Royal Bank of Scotland International Barclays Skipton Santander HSBC Lloyds We then conducted a broad investigation into the reasons behind mortgage rates in Jersey being higher than those offered by the same branded banks in the UK. We found this leads to confusion for consumers, who, along with already paying significantly higher prices for property compared to many parts of the UK, struggle to understand why they are being asked to pay up to £20,000 more per £100,000 of loan over the lifetime of a mortgage when borrowing over 25 years. The banks attribute this difference to their status as ring-fenced and separate entities from their UK counterparts. Despite this separation, many of these banks still align with their UK outfit in terms of branding, marketing material, contact details and, most significantly, the offer of Jersey-based mortgage products which track the Bank of England’s base rate, and rates generally which fluctuate with the Bank of England interest rates. The Consumer Council, however, has concluded that the elevated mortgage rates are further influenced by the higher savings rates offered in Jersey, which are designed to attract both local and inward investment. The Council's findings highlight the need for greater transparency from the banking industry to help consumers better understand the differences, and a reassessment by the Government of Jersey on the balance between attracting inward investment and ensuring affordable home ownership for Islanders. Click here to read our report.
At Home
Living Costs
14 February 2023

Sky TV subscriptions to increase

There’s bad news for Sky TV customers – the satellite television company have announced that they’ll be increasing their prices again in April, by a massive 8.1 per cent. The increase works out as £5.60 per month, or £67.20 per year, on the average bill. Almost all Sky TV customers will experience a price increase on 1 April, however, it will affect people on different packages differently, with the £5.60 per month figure only being an average. Some customers might see bigger rises higher than that. The eight per cent increase comes at the same time as consumers are seeing many other bills rising. A Sky spokesperson said in a statement: "This is not a decision we have taken lightly. “We have tried to minimise the impact to customers with an average price increase across all our TV customers of 8.1%, which is below levels of inflation again this year. “Competitors’ average increase over the last two years have been nearly double Sky’s average increase over the same period." Sky Glass and Sky Stream customers who signed up on or after 18 October 2022 are exempt from the rise. This includes customers that took out an 18-month contract or a monthly rolling plan on or after this date. If you took out a rolling monthly plan before 18 October 2022, you’ll still see prices rise (it wasn't possible to take out a longer contract on Glass or Stream before this date).   Thinking about leaving Sky? Know your rights: If you’re outside your minimum contract term with Sky TV, you can leave penalty-free. To do this, contact Sky by phone on 0333 759 1230 or online. You'll need to give 31 days' notice for TV packages. If you’re still in your minimum term on a Sky TV contract then, unfortunately, you won’t be able to leave without paying an exit fee. You don't have the right to exit your contract penalty-free simply because of these price rises – Sky says that this is because you’ll have already been warned in the terms and conditions that prices could rise.   Haggling for a better deal If you don't want to give up your Sky subscription, you could instead attempt to haggle with Sky. Martin Lewis’ Money Saving Expert team found that an enormous 84 per cent of people managed to find success by haggling for a better deal. They offer the following tips when haggling for a better deal: Benchmark the best deal elsewhere, so you ask for a realistic discount. Get through to the retentions (sometimes called disconnections) department. They have the most power to slash costs, as it's their job to keep you. Use charm and be friendly. Aggression or anger will just put their back up. Don't panic if they call your bluff and say they'll disconnect you. If they won't slash the price, see if they can include any extras, such as a boosted TV package. And remember, if you’re a Channel Island customer, you’re entitled to a 20 per cent ‘goodwill’ discount on your Sky subscription, to make up for the fact that you shouldn’t be paying 20 per cent VAT. The Jersey Evening Post fought to have the discount removed from Channel Islands customers’ bills. Customers in Jersey can call 0344 2411965 to speak to a customer service adviser and their 20% goodwill discount on Sky TV products will be applied to their account, if it hasn’t already been. The line is open from 8.30am until 9pm.
At Home
Consumer Tips
15 March 2022

60+ Money Saving Tips

60+ Money Saving Tips From ways to save on food, transport and daily spending, to ideas on how to reduce your energy bills and add some income, we’ve prepared a list of ideas to help you save money.  Depending on your circumstances, we know not all of these may suit you or be possible but hopefully, you can use some. Food Savings – Use our price comparison site and app, which will have some new features in the coming weeks. This compares around one hundred grocery and household items in the six main supermarkets, as well as two online ones. (Alliance, Co-Op, First Choice Groceries, Iceland, M&S, Morrisons, Valley Foods and Waitrose)  Create a weekly menu – By knowing exactly what meals you will be cooking for the next seven days, will help limit the chance of over buying and reduce the amount of unused food that ends up in the bin. Leftover food – If you do have unused food, look up recipes that you could use them in, ideally by using store cupboard items and without having to buy more food. Vegetable soup is a good use of leftover veg, and a chicken carcass can be boiled to create a perfect stock or soup base. Cheaper options – Most stores will have a couple of differently priced options from the cheapest ‘value’ item to a ‘mid-range’ and ‘premium’ selection. You may find that the cheapest value option is not displayed where you would expect it to be. For example, the cheapest shampoo might be tucked away in the pharmacy section and not with the large selection of shampoos, or the cheapest pack of tortillas may be in the Mexican section, rather than the bakery section. Often the cheapest option is not at eye level, so look at both the top and bottom shelves. Own label versus brand names – Many supermarkets have their own labelled products which tend to be cheaper than branded goods, such as Heinz, Nestle or Kellogg’s. They often get a bad reputation for not being as good as the well-known brands, but many supermarket brands are actually made at the factories as the better known ones. Supermarket promotions – Keep a look out for promotions and, if you can afford to, bulk buy. The most important point about promotions is not to be tempted to buy just because something is on promotion, especially if you can’t afford it or don’t usually eat/use the item.Sometimes promotions are not exactly as you might expect, so the easiest way to keep track of how much an item usually costs is to keep and compare your receipts. For example: If a tin of Heinz baked beans usually costs 95p and is on a buy one get one free (BOGOF) promotion at a cost of £1.05 it’s worthwhile. If a pack of nine toilet rolls that usually costs £5 is on a ‘3 for 2’multi buy promotion at a total price of £12 it’s worthwhile as you’re saving £3. But, if a 450g pack of minced meat is usually £3 and is on ‘3 for £10’ promotion there is no point buying whilst on promotion as you’re actually paying £1 more. Batch cook and freeze – If you can afford to make the most of promotions, it’s a great way to bulk buy so you can batch cook. Whether it’s tins of chickpeas to make a large vegetarian curry or kilos of minced meat to make a Bolognese, you will have your own family favourites and there are loads of ideas online. Take outs – A take out is always a treat, and during lockdown the numbers of eateries that went online soared, giving us an excellent choice of options. The problem with this is it’s now too easy to order almost anything and some of us may be spending a lot more money on take outs than we did pre-pandemic. Grow your own – Whether you have a garden or a windowsill, growing your own food is always fun. A pack of seeds from the garden centre may cost anywhere from 50p – £3 but will save you money in the long run. Tomatoes, peas and herbs are all very easy to grow and somehow taste better than shop bought. You don’t even have to buy the plant pots as they can often be found for free via Facebook groups. Transport Savings Limit car use – Save money on fuel and parking. If you’re on a good bus route with a bus stop close by, start using the bus. As of 3 August 2022, fares range from £1.85 to £2.50 (Adult) and 95p to £1.20 (Child). On 21 March 2022, the new Avanchi 18 smart card trial went live. Cards will cost £20 per year and expire on the card holder’s birthday each year.  Account discounts – If you do use your car, it’s worth shopping around for the best account discount available from each forecourt near your home, work, or on your route. Forecourt discounts can be found on the ‘My Forecourt’ section of our site. We would recommend only opening an account if it is a free option. Taxi journey – If you need a taxi, phone around to find the cheapest fare available for the number of people and route needed. Connecting flights – Don’t always choose Gatwick or Heathrow as regional airports may be cheaper. Driving abroad – Check whether it’s cheaper to take your car on the boat or hire a car when you're there.   Forecourt fuel prices – Use our site and app to compare the prices of unleaded petrol and diesel across all Island forecourts. Shopping Savings Shop around – It doesn’t matter if you’re looking for a fridge, a pet carrier or house insurance, shopping around for the best price is always a good idea. It may be a little time-consuming but checking the price at various retailers and suppliers is worth the effort, and you may even find a better option for a better price. Price match/beat – Ask the retailer or supplier if they’re willing to either price match or beat a quote you had from elsewhere. Loyalty schemes – Several retailers and hospitality outlets have free loyalty schemes, either by building up points or getting stamps. These build up over time resulting in a free coffee, discounted meal, or a percentage off your next treatment. Charity shops – Pre-loved items are a great way to spruce up your wardrobe, home or garden. There are so many charity shops in the Island with a huge range of items from clothes, bags and jewellery to tableware, chairs and beds. It’s a win for all. Books – If you like to read, or are studying for something, rather than buying new, the Jersey Library has a vast range on offer for free. Daily Savings Daily coffee – As much as we all enjoy our daily take out coffee, the cost adds up. If you buy one for £2 every weekday for 48 weeks a year, that’s a whopping £480 just on your morning coffee. It would be better to invest in a cafetière and make your own posh coffee at home each morning, and take it with you in a reusable and environmentally friendly cup. Meal deals – There are many meal deals but it’s not as cheap as making your own sandwich or salad. Grabbing a pot of frozen soup made from leftover food is a quick win. Newspapers and magazines – A daily physical newspaper costs around £1-2 but many newspapers and magazines have online subscription options which work out far cheaper. If you're a member of the Jersey Library, you can access hundreds of free newspapers and other publications using the PressReader app. Entertainment Savings Subscription services – The full SKY subscription costs are particularly expensive, so it might be time to review exactly what you watch and change your plan. The same with other services such as Netflix and Amazon Prime, especially as they are increasing their prices more regularly. Home cinema – Although going to the cinema is a great experience, the pandemic forced us to watch great movies at home and made us realise that it’s a far cheaper and more relaxed experience. Garden Savings Water Butt – Buy a water butt to collect rainwater which will save money on watering your garden or houseplants. Compost – Make your own compost heap or buy a compost bin that is less likely to attract rats. Grow your own – If you’ve got space in the garden why not turn it into a small vegetable patch? Grow bags or tubs can be used on a patio. Energy Saving Electricity and Gas – Here are some of our tips. Extra income Sell unwanted items – Selling items you no longer use is a great way to bring in some income. There are many Facebook groups where you can advertise for free.*Scam warning – ‘Facebook Marketplace’ is a hub for scammers so never agree to send something through the post because the person is ‘too busy’ to pick the item up or ‘working in another country so will send a courier. Spare change – OK, it’s not extra income but if you’re able, put that loose change in a jar. Or you might choose to save just 20p pieces or £1 coins. It’s surprising how much you can save by the end of the year which could go towards Christmas presents.  Budget Tool You may like to use our updated tool to help with budgetting and managing your incoming and outgoing finances.